This is the most complete and proven digital marketing solution for divorce attorneys, family lawyers, and collaborative professionals using an integrated approach across multiple channels.

  • Keyword Research

    The backbone of effective online marketing is keyword research. This doesn’t just apply to SEO, but also to other digital marketing strategies including content marketing.

  • Google Maps Optimization

    Google maps SEO drives some of the most highly-qualified local traffic.

  • Local /Legal Citations

    Legal directories can be a great source of consistent, highly targeted website traffic. Getting listed on these sites also helps your organic rankings on Google.

Family Law Digital Marketing
  • Article Blog Marketing

    Finally divorce attorneys and family lawyers have a source for quality content that is accurate, informative, authoritative, and professional, without having to rewrite it.

  • Social Media

    Social media is no longer a novelty section of the Internet. Social media is what the Internet is becoming. We ensure that your profiles are up-to-date and optimized for maximum visibility, as well as post relevant content.

  • Conversion Optimization

    Our conversion optimization SEO program is a powerful strategy for identifying opportunities where your website is showing up in the Google search results, but people are choosing to click on a competitor instead. This is the fastest way to get more traffic and more leads.

John A. Patti, Esq.

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Trial Attorney

Brian Hoffman, Esq.

Hoffman & Hoffman

Larry Esposito, Esq.

Clancy & Esposito, LLC

Marshall Morris, CPA

Collaborative Professional

Naureen F. Hyder, Esq.

Attorney At Law

Karen P. Sampson, Esq., APM

Attorney | Accredited Professional Mediator | Collaborative Practitioner

Meet The Team

Dustin Cannon

Dustin has been helping family lawyers market their practices since 2004. He has ghostwritten hundreds of articles, and more than 7  books on divorce, family law, and collaborative divorce for family attorney clients. Family Law & Collaborative Practice Accelerator is the culmination of 15 years helping family law attorneys and collaborative professionals market online.


Speaking Engagements


Featured speaker at the Basic Interdisciplinary Collaborative Law Training on June 11, 2016 at Davison, Eastman & Munoz, P.A. in Freehold, NJ.


Divorce and Family Law Podcasts


Dustin is also the producer and host of New Jersey Divorce Talk Radio and the NC Divorce Info Podcast.


Divorce and Family Law Ghostwriting


The following are a few of the book Dustin has ghostwritten for family law clients.  Click the title of an individual book to visit the client's website and download a PDF version. Additional family law writing samples can be found in my family law writing portfolio.


No Court Divorce by Linda L. Piff, Esq.


Who's Packing Your Divorce Parachute by Melissa Fecak, Esq.


Facing Divorce by Laura M. D'Orsi, Esq.

Valerie Keene, Esq.


To ensure the highest quality website content and blog articles for our clients, we have teamed up with practicing attorney and legal writer, Valerie Keene. 


Valerie Keene is a practicing attorney and legal writer. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Arkansas School of Law in 2014.


Valerie has written content for Nolo and Martindale-Hubbel in addition to numerous attorneys across the nation.

Keyword  Research Analysis

  • Baseline Rankings We will set a baseline to determine where your website is currently ranking for the major target keywords across all relevant search engines.

  • Opportunity Analysis We will identify less competitive keyword phrases where you may be ranking in the top 500, and which we can be quickly move to the top five. We call this an opportunity analysis. We are able to increase traffic to your website substantially by uncovering low competition high-value keywords that you already rank for, and moving you up in the search results.

Dawn C. Sequeira


Linda L. Piff

Google Maps Optimization

Optimization tailored for Google Maps is an essential ingredient for local SEO. Being atop the Google Maps listings (both in the local 3-pack and Google Maps search results) is valuable for any law firm. Local maps SEO drives some of the most highly-qualified local traffic. Google search engine results pages (SERPs) often display local maps listings based on users’ location and keyword search. According to Google,  four out of five consumers use search engines to conduct local searches. 


We will optimize your Google My Business profile and keep it up to date to maximize your exposure on Google maps.

Local Business Citations

  • Competitor Analysis We begin by analyzing current listings compared to your competitors. This gives us an idea on the best opportunities to gain new listings

  • Correct Errors We will find any listings that contain discrepancies, errors, or outdated information make necessary corrections.

  • New Submissions We will manually submit your practice to new local directories.

Legal Directories

Legal directories can be a great source of consistent, highly targeted website traffic. The top directories typically rank high in the organic search results and people often go there to search for attorneys. Getting listed on these sites also helps your organic rankings on Google. 


We will ensure that your profiles are complete, thorough, and up-to-date across the top legal directories. 



Blog Marketing

Blog articles are still the #1 most effective asset for attracting visitors to your website, and generating new leads. 


When I talk with lawyers about marketing, the number one interest they seem to have his blogging. But it's also a source of frustration for two reasons.


Frustration #1) Writing But It's Not Working


They are writing blog posts, but they don't seem to be generating traffic, engagement, or a measurable impact on the growth of their law practice.


Frustration 2) Can't Find A Good Writer 


They have tried hiring writers, but every single time they end up having to rewrite the content themselves. They can't seem to find good writers.

Why Is Blogging So Powerful?

Blogs allow you to connect with potential clients by providing informative and valuable content.  Not only do blog articles engage with the readers, but once posted, blogs go to work for you 24/7 365 days a year seeking out new potential clients.


Blogging is the marketing strategy that keeps on giving. With paid advertising, like PPC ads, the benefit stops when you stop paying. When you post a blog article, that article is going to be online for years potentially bringing in new people to your website on a daily basis


It's the difference between renting an apartment and buying real estate.  Blogging is like buying real estate.


Every time you publish a new piece of content on your website targeting a specific keyword, you create a new opportunity for your law practice to be found. 


This is because Google considers every page of your website to be like a separate entity or like an address of its own. Every new page on your website, whether it is content describing the services you offer or a blog article, creates a new page or location.


For example, your home page is located at Additional pages have an address like


Let’s say you to want to generate more consults interested in mediation. After doing some keyword research you find that the phrase “family mediation” gets 4,418 search per month on Google.

Using this example, by publishing an article about family mediation and optimizing the page for that keyword you can begin to get your share of that traffic. This article will create a new page with an address like:


You can see how, by carefully choosing your topics and keywords, and consistently publishing new content on a monthly basis, you are creating client generating assets with each blog article. These assets will continue to deliver.


This is exactly what we do for you. Every month, we research potential opportunities (based on your goals ), and then write and publish new blog articles deliberately targeting relevant keyword phrases. In addition, we optimize those articles to rank in the top five of the organic search results.


Our clients dominate the search results. Here are the results for one of our family law clients. 

Reputation Management

Online Review Monitoring

In today's always connected world, it's becoming less important what we say about ourselves, and more about what others are saying about us. 


Consider the following:

  • 88 percent of legal consumers consider an attorney’s “reputation” one of the top two hiring factors.*
  • 68 percent of legal consumers consider “reviews from former clients” one of the most important pieces of additional information when considering an attorney.**

* 2015 FindLaw Ratings and Reviews Survey
** 2018 FindLaw U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey


Robert E. Goldstein, Esq.


Christine Nguyen, Esq.


Let's Talk.


Please call (434) 270-5914 or click the button below to schedule a 15 minute strategy call with me to discuss whether this program is right for you. I can answer any questions you have about getting started. 


Thank you!